Sunday, May 30, 2010

Urban Myth or True Facts, 2012.

At first glance you may not think that the movie 2012 directed, written and executive produced by Roland Emmerich, would be a great representation of Greek Mythology and Archetypes but taking the time to watch the movie i realized what a direct relation it has. With my blogs I have been trying to pick movies that are not the expected choice in order to show that connections to Greek Mythology can be seen almost everywhere. I the movie 2012 natural disasters are used to create the evil figures. Although there are many little characters used to create conflict between people and have evil motives there is no bigger evil force than the disasters themselves. With the year 2012 itself being a myth/urban legend or actual fact it keeps us wondering as to what may actually happen but, at the same time is able to shows us great imagery throughout the movie.

In the movie 2012 John Cusack plays Jackson Curtis, a lonely distant father of two children because of his divorce with his wife in the previous years. Rumor has it that the Mayan calendar dates are going to end in the year 2012 resulting in the mass destruction of our world, ending man kind. Supposedly occurring on the date December 21st 2012. It has now leaked throughout the world that this may occur although not many people take it very seriously. With the attempt at getting to know his kids a little better Curtissack takes them out camping to a park. After some adventuring they come to discover some changes that have occurred in the park and with some research done they come to realize that 2012 is becoming more and more likely. All of a sudden the world comes to hectic ball of madness. Fireballs from the sky are falling and earthquakes start to happen everywhere. Throughout the movie the government has secretly prepared a massive ship (which then directly relates to the story of Noah's Arc) which they will go to when massive tsunamis start to occur all over the world. The story then continues to be a big journey to the boats and to stay safe by avoiding falling objects at the same time. In the end the man's family and himself all successfully make it to the boats and after one year, one month and 27 days on the boat the plan to relocate mankind on a part of salvageable land on Africa.

I found it very interesting looking at all the meanings of nature aspects such as wind, rain, lighting, water etc and mainly finding how it represents life and living. In this movie all of these aspects of nature are shown as evil and harmful. Wind and rain and everything else is represented as death, not life. The severity of all of natural disasters make them evil. In the movie although color makes this film so elaborate and amazing in the special affects area i wouldn't say there were any specific predominate colors shown. Red and orange would probably be very important because of all the explosions and fire and with these colors they represent fire, blood, sacrifice birth, death and emotion which pretty much wraps up the whole movie in a few words. Also though on the other side of the spectrum there was a lot of blacks and blues with water and the world coming to an end. It shows mystery, the unknown, death, evil but also in the end when the movie comes to a close the colors get brighter and happier. Brighter blues and pinks and yellows in the sky. Showing the rebirth of our world and once again creating mankind.

John Cusack (Jackson Curtis)

In this movie Cusack's character starts off being kind of a loner and a crappy dad. Throughout the movie you start to see changes in himself and the way he becomes the hero of the story. He becomes the fatherly figure he never was. In the movie 2012 he is the hero, and not only to his family. He tries to save as much people as possible risking his own life to save mankind on our earth. Even though it takes most of the movie for his true character to shine through, he became an unbelievable man and the hero of our world.

I decided that the Devil Figure of the movie was not a person, but nature. I don't think it would be right to depict god or mother nature as the bad guy in this film because although the story Noah's Arc which comes out from the bible and church, God and spirituality was not supposed to be completely directed at this movie. Quite simply, i feel that nature and the natural disasters occurring throughout the movie was represented as the Devil Figure because since it happened, it ultimately killed most of the people living on earth.

I found this movie very far fetched and kind of unrealistic but because 2012 is such a mystery to everyone it keeps you at the end of your seat. The unknown will always keep us guessing and that is why i think this movie was such a 'must see'.

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